Maltitol 85-50 syrup

Model No.: Maltitol


place of origin: China

Types of: Sweeteners

Halal/Kosher/MUI: Yes

Non-GMO: Yes

Material: Maltose

Energy: 2.1Kcal/g

sweetness: 80% sucrose

GI: 45

Net Carbs: Zero

Hygroscopicity: Low

Solubility: 60% inwater,25℃

Melting point: 150℃

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Product Details


Maltitol is a low-calorie artificial Sweetener.Maltitol powder offers similar sweetness to sucrose. It has a natural, sweet taste and boost fruity flavors, and reduces the need for high-intensity sweeteners. Maltitol is non-cariogenic and does not contribute to tooth decay.

Maltitol as a food additive is safe to use, according to The Joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives. A petition to affirm the GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status of maltitol has been accepted by the US Food and Drug Administration , which means maltitol as a food additive is allowed to be used in the U.S.. Maltitol is also allowed in the European Union, Canada and Japan.

Maltitol Powder Syrup Png

Maltitol Syrup

AppearanceColorless sticky liquid
Solid SubstanceMIN 75.0%
Water contentMAX25.0%
Assay(Maltitol)MIN 50.0%
PH in Solution:5~7.5
Sorbitol:max 8%
Ash:max 0.10%
Chloride:max 50ppm
Sulphate:max 100ppm
Heavy Metalsmax 10ppm
Nickel:max 1ppm
Lead:max 1ppm
Total plate count:max 1000/g

Maltitol Powder

AppearanceWhite powder
TasteTypically sweet with no foreign taste
Odourno foreign odours
Related Products≤1%
Water content≤0.5%
Reducing sugar≤0.3%
Specific rotation+105.5°~ +108.5°
Melting point148°C--151°C
Heavy metals≤10ppm
Sulfated ash≤0.1%
Viable counts≤20cfu/g

Maltitol Png

Maltitol Nutrition Facts:

Calories per gram = 2.1
Glycemic index (GI) = 45
Sweetness, relative to sucrose = 75%
Net carbs = zero

Maltitol Physical properties:

1.75% sweet as sucrose; a negligible cooling effect
2. Low hygroscopicity – does not readily attract moisture from the air until relative humidity reaches about 85%
3. Solubility in water at 25° C is 60 g/100 g solution
4. Melting point 144-152° C
5. Does not undergo caramelization or the Maillard browning reaction during cooking
6. Does not decompose at 160° C

Maltitol Application Jpg

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